5 Ways for Government CIOs to Optimize Cloud Deployment

5 Ways for Government CIOs to Optimize Cloud Deployment

Understanding what IT functions and areas should be considered first for the cloud is paramount when it comes to adoption.   With uptime, security, and reliability being fundamental, disaster recovery with backup and restore are great places to start with a cloud...
AWS Outposts – Webinar

AWS Outposts – Webinar

Understanding a Hybrid Cloud Approach using AWS Outposts. in case you missed our AWS Outpost Webinar, Eric Sanders, Managing Partner of eCloud,  and Andrew van Ziji, Chanel Chief form Cologogix discussed why Outposts and common use cases, how they work the...
AWS in the Public Sector – Webinar

AWS in the Public Sector – Webinar

Are you in the public sector and wondering how the cloud can not only eliminate your technology problems but also save you money? In case you missed our AWS Webinar on Public Sector we discussed use cases where the public cloud can be applied to public sector cities,...
eCloud Committed to Saving $1M for Small Businesses

eCloud Committed to Saving $1M for Small Businesses

eCloud Committed to Saving $1M for Businesses Running in AWS Amid Economic Crisis As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cast a dark cloud on the U.S. economy companies are looking at ways to decrease cost while maintaining business continuity. Business owners running...
AWS Outposts adds 7 New Locations

AWS Outposts adds 7 New Locations

Did you know AWS Outposts can now be shipped & installed in 7 new regions? AWS Outposts can now be shipped and installed in three new countries Canada, Bahrain, and Singapore. It is also available in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.  AWS Outposts is a...