August Cloud Forecast

Written by Eric Sanders

August 17, 2021

August has had its share of market insights and federal Thunderstorms. A hot cloud market will finish summer. 


Keep an eye out for this convergence zone as these two airflows join and interact together in a partnership!

Workday has entered into a multi-year partnership with Google Cloud to accelerate digital transformation for businesses globally. In this partnership, Google Cloud will help Workday to run applications in HR, finance, and planning across their core industries. Workday’s co-CEO and co-Founder, Chano Fernandez, noted that this partnership would provide “customers with an exceptional public cloud experience where they can take advantage of leading innovation services from both companies, helping to drive greater value from their enterprise investments.”

With the ever-changing work environments that we find ourselves in, Workday’s suite is there to manage the change. And what industry is more full of change than the cloud? Workday and Google Cloud together will be able to help organizations enhance their workforce productivity and accelerate their digital transformations. These two companies are also hoping to use their partnership to co-innovate in the retail, healthcare, and financial services industries. We can’t wait to see what they can achieve!

  Source: Cloudtech

Looking into the Eye of the Storm: Cloud Trends from Oppenheimer

Breaking news, our meteorologist, Oppenheimer, is here to predict and report on everything industry with cloud and communications!

Early this month, Microsoft went live with their pricing for Cloud PC, with 12 available configurations. These configurations can run anywhere from $20 to $158 a month, with a slight discount available for Windows 10 Pro users. Oppenheimer is expecting the average user to spend around $41 per month for their configuration, but Oppenheimer also notes that this pricing results in a 17% premium in comparison to Azure Virtual Machine/Desktop (AVD).

This premium is in line with Oppenheimer’s predictions, given the ease of use and that it doesn’t require any VDI investment or expertise beforehand. This new offering will help people turn computers, phones, and tablets into PCs which Microsoft says will allow for “hybrid Windows for a hybrid world”. In the rest of this report, there is information on everything from Microsoft’s Cloud PC, earnings reports from LUMN, FSLY, NET, and RNG, as well as trends with people’s Back-to-Office plans. Peruse the attached report for more in-depth information on a variety of topics.

Sources: Oppenheimer*


Check into the weather forecast for where the cloud industry is heading all the way into 2030!

A report by Allied Market Research has shed some light on where the industry is expected to go in the next few years based on all the growth we have seen already. The report expects that the global cloud services market will garner $1.62 trillion by 2030, which is a 398% increase from the 2019 value of $325 billion. This report predicts a combined annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.8% from 2021 to 2030. This report also summarizes what the major contributing factors are to this growth in the industry and what concerns they think will still be present as the industry continues to grow. AMR claims that cloud services can cut more than 35% of a company’s annual operating cost, making cost effectiveness one of the most important drivers of cloud migration in the global cloud market. Other important factors include the increase in cloud adoption by SMEs and the mass move to remote work due to the COVID-19 outbreak. AMR also predicts that concerns with data security and protection will continue to act as a hindrance on people’s willingness to make the switch to the cloud. 

This Allied Market Research report also sheds light on where they think new opportunities will find themselves moving forward. In 2019, North America had a stronghold on the cloud services market, accounting for almost three-fifths of the global market. However, moving forward, AMR is expecting that cloud service adoption in emerging economies will become lucrative opportunities for cloud companies moving forward. Additionally, the Asia-Pacific market is expected to portray the highest CAGR in the forecast period of 18.8% because of their rapid adoption of cloud computing, intense regional competition, and the rise in infrastructure as a service investment in the coming years.

Sources: Allied Market Research

Has AWS stolen Microsoft’s Federal Thunder?

AWS was recently awarded a Federal Cloud Contract for $10B with the NSA. Microsoft has typically dominated the federal space with their products and offerings, mainly O365.  Of course there is lots of SQL databases and Microsoft OS running in federal agencies, but did you know that 57% of all Microsoft Workloads running in the public cloud run on AWS vs 35% on Azure?  If AWS is secure enough for the NSA, don’t you think it will be for your business?  Read the full announcement.


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Typically, eCloud helps customers reduce their TCO by 50 to 70% with our proven solutions.

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Author: Eric Sanders, Managing Partner


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